Raygent » Biomarkers and Blood Screening Tests: GenProbe (GPRO) and Genzyme(GENZ)
Blood Supply Screening Test-XMRV
XMRV is a retrovirus that is linked to chronic fatigue syndrome and there is concern that millions are infected. If XMRV can be transmitted through sexually or through transfusions there may be a need to protect the blood supply with a screening test similar to current test for HIV and hepatitis. Three companies are working on a test: Abbott Labs (ABT), GenProbe (GPRO) and Roche Molecular Diagnostics. GenProbe is a leader in blood screening with their Tigris diagnostic system that has 2009 revenues of $450M of which more than 50% are for blood screening.GenProbe is partnered with Novartis (NVS) and is developing a next generation blood screening system called Panther.
Next month on Dec 14-15 the FDA Blood Products Advisory Committee will feature scientific data and research regarding MLV-related (MLV-murine leukemia virus) Human Retroviruses such as XMRV. Recently the National Cancer Institute reported on a test that discriminates between mouse retroviruses and XMRV.
Blood Products Advisory Committee > December 14-15, 2010: Blood Products Advisory Committee Meeting Draft Agenda
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